Monday, February 06, 2006


Ask me to speak.

Because a noble heart never forces itself forward

and I love it you ask me anyway.

Ask me to speak

because even though you can't seem to find the right


great minds think alike

and I am never in short supply.

Ask me to speak

because there is nothing like the connection

we create when we conversate

and while others act like it's never the right time of the

week to speak

I can

and will

do so happily

and if you agree we have a problem with apathy

clap with me-



even though change would make so much sense

we seem to think it

takes to much

to give a damn

and its

harder to love but

easier to hate

easier to destroy

than it is to create

and where we could easily take responsibility

master our destiny

we want to give in to the wind and

call it fate

and want to do something

when it's too late.

And when it all falls down,

when things fall apart

we want to argue after the fact

and pontificate

when all we had to do from the start

all we need to do now

is kill the debate

eliminate the hate

and resonate.

Ask me to speak

because not enough of us say something

and to much of nothing is said

and some of us never say anything

and it's too late to hear them because they're dead.

Ask me to speak

and I will tell you as long as you are saying

something, no one can say you talk to much, and

when they ask you your opinion,

you do no less than fill their cup, and

when they accuse you of running your mouth you tell them to catch up.

Ask me to speak

because I know you want to

and though a lot of us ought to

a lot of us were raise not to

by parents or people who

rear or breed you in fear

and either don't care or

realize what they've taught you.

And I haven't lived your life, I am not you,

but if you are


you got through because

you fought through

so when you feel like the stress has got you

get it off your chest

and if you can't find the words, I'll spot you.

I mean I don't know you to lay a hand on you

but I want to touch you

I need to reach you

and though my words may not mean much

I need you to know

I bleed for you

I slit my soul and pour it on to paper

and read to you

because I need for you

to understand

you can't afford

to keep it stored

to ignore what I've implored,

and I shouldn't

have to make the demand.