Those of you who know me know that I have been through a lot of changes lately, both good and bad. Though each of these changes have affected me in different ways, each of them have served to help if not force me to take a long hard look at myself, and what I am seeing, what I am discovering is this: I am not the person I thought I was, I am not the person I try to be, and I am not the person I was hoping to become. It can very much be said that I myself have been a lie. It has been said that good intentions pave the way to hell, and with all things considered I have been laying down quite a long road over the past few years. I haven’t sat down to think about why I really do things. I’ve done and said things with one intention with things only winding up the opposite, with someone else hurt in the process. I’ve appeared less than honest to some, fake to others and I honestly couldn’t blame them or anyone else for thinking me a villain. What I do know is that I am not good with people, or to them, despite what I have in mind. To any of you who read this, if I have represented myself as anything I am not, said anything and did the other or hurt you in anyway period, I apologize. For the moment that’s all I can say.